Saturday, December 13, 2008

Free Advice for 2009

Everybody is doing their end of year wrap ups. What was wrong and right with 08, what's going to be so great about '09. I haven't decided how I feel about either of those topics. I will say I am consistently an optimist and always feel that life is going to be better, at least for me. That also may have something to do with my slight gambling problem and the fact that I am always willing to wager on myself. Because if you don't believe in you, who will. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but for the most part the world is fucked up. Not just economically, but on so many levels. Now don't get me wrong I don't think it is the end of the world and the anti-Christ isn't around the corner and Armageddon is not here yet, but fucked up none the less. Even if I'm wrong about the last statement I have no control over those things, so I can't focus on them and refuse to let them bring down my day.

Now I must say that this will be the year of the marketer. Those who can Shamelessly market themselves as something different, something special and something that is still relevant will flourish in these times. Another factor in my estimation will be those that can connect to their audience. I have mentioned this before and those that know me know I'm a bit leery of all the technological advances we have seen in the last decade or so. While we can span the globe with a few key stokes, we have lost the human connection. This is why it will be so important for you, your company, or whatever venture you represent to be able to connect with your target audience.

Customer service in the age of automated phone systems, email notifications, paperless statements, e-billing and blackberry smooth curve whatever iPhone is at a premium. The people that in the midst of all that technology that can still reach out and touch you, will shine. As much as I love party fliers filling up my storage space on my email, there is still something special about the flyer on the windshield of the car leaving the club (I think I still have one in the car from last week that I never threw out). Downloads are cool and all, but it will never replace an actual CD. And tell you the truth I don't care about the actual CD. I need my album insert, it provides for good reading. I don't know about the general public but I still read album credits. I want to know who the A&R, Product Manager, Art Direction and Co-Executive Producers are. I think that you should know who they sampled and who owns the rights to the original music.

I recognize that I just went off on a tangent, but as I said before good service is at a premium. Not enough people care anymore about anything. With this lack of regard for the customer, it leaves a wonderful opportunity for those firms that do to make a significant impact and profit. Robert Aguinaga, Finance Director for one of the top Ford dealerships in the country told me, "Damian you employees are your first customers." I didn't understand him initially, but got it later. If you don't sell your employees on the dream, on the fact that customers are important, on the ideology that great customer service is not only important but essential to success, then how can they convey that to the rest of your customers. People who care about others, will always succeed and be rewarded. That's why you, at least I do go to places where they treat me well.

Something special and relevant and important is hard to find now a days. We live in a society where we are so concerned with making sure no one feels bad. By giving everybody a ribbon we are robbing those that excel of their glory. How would Micheal Phelps feel if everybody got a medal. I went to a friend's son's t-ball game and I was appalled when I found out they don't take score, saying their are no losers. Suprisingly, I was the only one that took issue with that fact. By saying their are no losers you make sure their are no winners as well. If you can find a way to be special and diffferent and relevent in 2009 then my friend you will find the "Quan". Strive to be more than the status quo or mediocre then you will see the fruits of your labor.

If you are able to put the 2 subjects together you will be able to create somthing spectacular. A wonderful product and follow it up with wonderful customer service and then you have it my friend (shout out to John Mccain). That is my advice for 2009. Anything more and I would have to consider it consulting and I will be forced to have to trusty assistant send you an invoice for my services. Blackcard Marketing, Shameless Management & Party Gurus Entertainment.

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